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Membership is required to access your personalized reports and exploration tools that will enable you to examine any of your ~20,000 genes.
Membership begins when sequencing is completed. Сancel auto-renewal anytime.
1. Regularly receive new DNA reports that are based on the latest genomic research.
2. Access to exploration tools that will enable you to examine any of your ~20,000 genes and generate your personalized reports.
3. Access to deep ancestry analysis that will enable you to do your full genealogical research. Get deeper insights than with any other DNA test on the market.
4. Access to premium support provided by geneticists at Nebula Genomics.
We curate the latest scientific discoveries to create easy-to-read, personalized reports based on the analysis of your DNA data.
New reports are added regularly as scientists publish new research results and we further interpret your genetic data.
Whole Genome Sequencing decodes all 6.4 billion DNA base pairs in the human genome including the complete set of all 20,000 genes, mitochondrial DNA, and the Y chromosome.
Other consumer genetic testing companies that decode less than 1% of your DNA!
Personal genome sequencing enables the discovery of all genetic variations in every individual gene and produces the most comprehensive and accurate genetic test results.
Genomic research is the study of DNA sequences to determine the function of genes. Many genomic research studies focus on identifying specific genes that can predispose an individual to certain diseases. Knowing your risk can help you and your doctor design monitoring, prevention, and treatment plans, especially if you have a history of certain conditions in your family.
The field of genomic research began with the human genome project, the effort to sequence the entire human genome, which was completed in 2003. Advances in genomics research seek to understand the significance of minute differences in the human genome sequence. Most genetic variants are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), a case in which a single nucleotide in the sequence varies. Even just one difference can influence predisposition to disease or other traits.
Researchers in this field use computers and math techniques called bioinformatics to analyze whole genomes, not just individual SNPs. By analyzing huge amounts of data included in the genome, they can identify more genetic influences on health at a larger scale.
An incredible amount of research on genes and the human genome is being conducted every day. With the sequencing of the human genome, you have access to every genetic variant in your DNA. Using this information, you can compare your results to the latest genomic research to discover more about how your genetic blueprint influences your health.