SUMMARY: Identification of 440 genetic variants associated with the apolipoprotein A-1 level in the blood and analysis of its contribution to the risk of coronary heart disease.
DESCRIPTION: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a condition that develops when the heart’s arteries cannot supply enough oxygen to the heart muscle. Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It occurs when plaque builds up in the heart’s arteries and blocks the blood flow to the heart. Arterial plaque consists of multiple substances that circulate in the blood, in particular fats and cholesterol. Fats and cholesterol cannot travel around the bloodstream on their own and instead must be transported by proteins called “apolipoproteins”. The apolipoprotein responsible for transporting HDL cholesterol, or the “good” cholesterol, in the blood is known as apolipoprotein A-1 (apoA1). Due to its role, elevated apolipoprotein A-1 levels may suggest a protective effect against developing coronary heart disease. This study examined genetic data of over 440,000 individuals of European descent to identify genomic regions associated with apolipoprotein A-1 levels in the blood. The researchers identified 440 genetic variants, including 407 novel variants, associated with apolipoprotein A-1 levels.
DID YOU KNOW? In addition to its protective effect against the development of coronary heart disease, elevated levels of apolipoprotein A-1 may also be associated with a decreased risk of dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders. [SOURCE]
SAMPLE RESULTS: Learn more about the Nebula Research Library.

APOLIPOPROTEIN A-1 LEVEL-ASSOCIATED VARIANTS: rs9704692, rs3014246, rs12984021, rs72647336, rs10458643, rs72729623, rs61596977, rs36096231, rs848638, rs34184910, rs6969773, rs4441609, rs13111599, rs72755439, rs62135193, rs7835108, rs62555197, rs1540687, rs8135417, rs1862205, rs9989466, rs9866679, rs2698737, rs17191491, rs1400362, rs144475339, rs6458867, rs77947762, rs74333499, rs28824216, rs11245482, rs12938061, rs9347737, rs61748951, rs2343593, rs1045241, rs12987470, rs115660648, rs17039171, rs9559901, rs10748165, rs74963256, rs73375614, rs7036107, rs212100, rs111849006, rs10950390, rs7784748, rs12436555, rs248653, rs113710278, rs75988962, rs10978335, rs7119167, rs2204886, rs78937603, rs13411625, rs116857878, rs3897473, rs12598179, rs75246752, rs11973318, rs71421262, rs141478056, rs74456742, rs62405458, rs7514202, rs10036789, rs34180494, rs1852922, rs13024140, rs12357890, rs804553, rs32578, rs117739035, rs11883967, rs2159935, rs1718859, rs16844296, rs62369484, rs2544654, rs186586197, rs1834144, rs34642857, rs4450131, rs145184406, rs78359342, rs59038405, rs117399007, rs12204488, rs4725969, rs12867032, rs6785881, rs351862, rs1919309, rs11159261, rs352126, rs59137082, rs11690597, rs4652192, rs12449758, rs4474021, rs2540951, rs12292135, rs112942650, rs74913239, rs10947786, rs55801554, rs12044156, rs7192161, rs71355297, rs11202154, rs4820346, rs77234291, rs73457437, rs514924, rs374039502, rs79506257, rs4676609, rs1862069, rs13300004, rs10504477, rs7251640, rs587739738, rs56196860, rs6532796, rs17740942, rs117230571, rs6807935, rs3859588, rs11691486, rs75663391, rs73082723, rs11780610, rs79009737, rs144033177, rs515756, rs36089024, rs143474489, rs731758, rs6467595, rs56263064, rs55710224, rs12411959, rs13144764, rs4762756, rs41292412, rs17321999, rs7757193, rs185073199, rs4654395, rs34955778, rs12975319, rs35624680, rs4875043, rs62114506, rs55652051, rs140164052, rs34830321, rs2520096, rs112771035, rs112233856, rs60667919, rs11066320, rs8075019, rs2246012, rs12510382, rs10752898, rs49675, rs7304603, rs7700617, rs74419430, rs11021232, rs72796869, rs8039305, rs7134035, rs62271373, rs12810864, rs142958146, rs12045101, rs147525635, rs3814883, rs17008972, rs28567061, rs59586387, rs13108218, rs1986868, rs2395617, rs9604045, rs6430954, rs6059958, rs12546096, rs1395221, rs4999718, rs15052, rs11641548, rs13097947, rs34712273, rs7304462, rs76428106, rs1406982, rs2972166, rs56105022, rs10012624, rs6507716, rs7503353, rs3760230, rs116006942, rs12263369, rs10023962, rs6686889, rs1086056, rs2247355, rs35650976, rs2700892, rs4714554, rs6123685, rs557675, rs4599108, rs79940707, rs1037117, rs80236739, rs74500135, rs56090699, rs11591147, rs183078, rs28362901, rs36090449, rs78608249, rs73578509, rs76456334, rs72926946, rs11170517, rs7259070, rs2804894, rs6062510, rs73052033, rs1771582, rs33042, rs150237291, rs10745954, rs4648892, rs61805076, rs11605837, rs112672290, rs3747973, rs10489044, rs9980311, rs2982521, rs34942359, rs6977416, rs2963472, rs35007880, rs2111705, rs77631377, rs10419198, rs7546242, rs367677, rs9608972, rs7170463, rs1468642, rs62203108, rs7896518, rs681869, rs1611719, rs138354839, rs9884482, rs72823014, rs34555420, rs78595810, rs1864167, rs10798615, rs4979372, rs72959041, rs7943699, rs10507274, rs286965, rs4871603, rs1055582, rs3915932, rs3740688, rs77542162, rs17326656, rs13326165, rs34767118, rs7953249, rs12273363, rs4632228, rs34138141, rs73216700, rs1446585, rs59104589, rs4930352, rs150483923, rs6448429, rs9916613, rs3184504, rs4356188, rs56271783, rs254559, rs66757203, rs2069945, rs11601507, rs1043897, rs9817452, rs2923078, rs804267, rs9426827, rs35137994, rs450244, rs74444445, rs3936511, rs11057390, rs589942, rs6499102, rs11045172, rs3798233, rs12229372, rs75406471, rs75152587, rs1583974, rs115744844, rs4273010, rs78025076, rs3732356, rs141949189, rs13402475, rs2965169, rs7186799, rs989075, rs738409, rs35715914, rs118024629, rs7238484, rs3749748, rs698927, rs557933, rs13379043, rs10955991, rs568551048, rs133015, rs976002, rs16953475, rs11227582, rs58473820, rs9393926, rs117687565, rs6765484, rs11228871, rs75265117, rs2297402, rs9769088, rs12224170, rs12422125, rs1132274, rs76213248, rs2071379, rs114760566, rs4239651, rs235314, rs8103728, rs2523978, rs34397747, rs2298624, rs11067231, rs2419605, rs10883451, rs145276599, rs1047964, rs112001035, rs41272086, rs1107850, rs1716393, rs73119306, rs635634, rs1047891, rs150844304, rs1877031, rs3800461, rs1364422, rs10951983, rs36057735, rs4784709, rs61789561, rs11089620, rs1260326, rs17138358, rs78058190, rs7136506, rs2395158, rs2925979, rs2642438, rs9471972, rs17520254, rs7817574, rs267738, rs10846497, rs7222619, rs3802548, rs2494748, rs140584594, rs4775033, rs2943645, rs367070, rs559355, rs2269434, rs59347135, rs174566, rs2792751, rs3768321, rs921919, rs6469605, rs144311893, rs12976395, rs55781197, rs2066714, rs116843064, rs12740374, rs13107325, rs139915535, rs686030, rs737338, rs12074528, rs11789603, rs676210, rs9987289, rs72836561, rs79984435, rs1800961, rs2281718, rs11632618, rs1318175, rs2740488, rs8086351, rs429358, rs613808, rs77960347, rs331, rs1601933, rs9989419
Coronary Heart Disease (Video)
Coronary Heart Disease
WEEKLY UPDATE: April 5, 2020