STUDY TITLE: Multivariate genomic scan implicates novel loci and haem metabolism in human ageing
SUMMARY: Identification of 10 genetics variants associated with healthspan, or the number of years in good health.
OVERVIEW: Aging is an inevitable part of life. While we may all want to live longer, we don’t want our final years to be defined by sickness. Though many people are familiar with “lifespan”, or the length of time that someone lives, fewer are familiar with the term “healthspan”. Healthspan refers to the length of time that an individual lives in good health, free of chronic diseases commonly associated with aging. These include heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and various forms of cancer. While the average lifespan in the United States is about 79 years, the average healthspan is only 63 years. To identify genetic factors associated with healthspan, this genome-wide association study examined over 300,000 individuals of European ancestry. The study found 10 genetic variants, that influence not only healthspan but also parental lifespan and longevity.
DID YOU KNOW? Dietary choices earlier in life matter for healthy aging. Maintaining healthy body weight and meeting nutritional requirements lessens the risk of many chronic diseases. [SOURCE]
SAMPLE RESULTS: Learn more about the Nebula Research Library.
HEALTHSPAN-ASSOCIATED VARIANTS: rs429358, rs10455872, rs7859727, rs61905747, rs6511720, rs12830425, rs1159806, rs4783780, rs2643826, rs17499404
The science of aging (Video)
Longevity (Deelen, 2019)
WEEKLY UPDATE: July 28, 2020