Loneliness (Abdellaoui, 2019)

STUDY TITLE: Phenome-wide investigation of health outcomes associated with genetic predisposition to loneliness

SUMMARY: Detection of 19 genetic variants associated with feelings of loneliness.

DESCRIPTION: Humans are social creatures and feelings lonely arises when we don’t feel as socially connected as we want. Chronic loneliness has been correlated with elevated risks of various mental and physical diseases, and even premature death. While this can be a result of social and environmental circumstances, some genetic factors may lead to a predisposition to this condition. This study examined more than half a million people of European descent, discovering 19 genetic variants that may be associated with an increased propensity of feeling lonely. These variants help explain ~20% of the heritability of loneliness. Further, this study revealed that the chronic form of this condition is associated with a range of disorders, including heart disease, depression, and obesity.

DID YOU KNOW? Volunteering is a great way to increase social connections while making an impact on the world around you. Find a cause you are passionate about and look for opportunities to get involved! [SOURCE]

SAMPLE RESULTS: Learn more about the Nebula Research Library.

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LONELINESS-ASSOCIATED VARIANTS: rs599550, rs13291079, rs4958586, rs12458015, rs773020, rs74338595, rs7626596, rs171697, rs11867618, rs7770860, rs348258, rs72627233, rs10456089, rs11068917, rs62347916, rs2732650, rs11039265, rs7209581, rs159960

Loneliness (Video)
The Health Effects of Loneliness

WEEKLY UPDATE: September 20, 2019

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