STUDY TITLE: Genome-wide analysis identifies molecular systems and 149 genetic loci associated with income
SUMMARY: Identification of 149 genetic variants associated with income.
OVERVIEW: Socioeconomic position (SEP) is a measure of an individual’s economic and social position. Poor health is associated with a decreased SEP, but the genetic contributions to this effect are not well studied. This genome-wide study used genomic data of over 280,000 individuals of European ancestry to examine associations between genetics and income, a common measure of SEP. The researchers identified 149 genomic locations associated with income. Collectively, these variants may explain about 7% of the heritability of income differences. Some of the discovered variants are near genes that have previously been linked to intelligence, which suggests intelligence may be a factor that causes differences in income.
DID YOU KNOW? The study of sociogenomics has been criticized by some due to possible dystopian outcomes. For example, in the future prospective employers could ask you to submit your genetic income score as part of a job application. [SOURCE]
SAMPLE RESULTS: Learn more about the Nebula Research Library.

GENETICS OF INCOME-ASSOCIATED VARIANTS: rs1906252, rs10429582, rs3847223, rs7599488, rs159365, rs7077446, rs6690195, rs35309068, rs62100765, rs10876864, rs7306755, rs34305371, rs4982712, rs240702, rs3935685, rs7924036, rs4729068, rs62166490, rs254781, rs1112629, rs17652520, rs2466920, rs7325960, rs7558283, rs34615736, rs1314114, rs9503598, rs12761761, rs17367750, rs1362739, rs324769, rs329120, rs5995757, rs9822268, rs11714337, rs11771168, rs2332719, rs4388516, rs1594996, rs3915398, rs6028090, rs10483349, rs3738200, rs28491529, rs10165653, rs56221553, rs77966298, rs1566085, rs6430030, rs10456918, rs12442330, rs17425572, rs12151248, rs4506495, rs6459480, rs4567409, rs12119149, rs9388490, rs12954483, rs11548200, rs4140762, rs131155, rs6429082, rs4800490, rs10798888, rs12640626, rs12274865, rs7597007, rs6699397, rs10830568, rs12967855, rs12188937, rs3769983, rs1866823, rs17414302, rs37976, rs264038, rs7144329, rs56194430, rs7025335, rs306755, rs1421334, rs9342115, rs78689878, rs10780467, rs3911063, rs7072694, rs12670901, rs2910583, rs7272983, rs151114485, rs2160514, rs7693485, rs7908463, rs12466227, rs3087523, rs5754738, rs2721173, rs17565975, rs58249351, rs784256, rs62262084, rs2563332, rs11588857, rs10892807, rs4386322, rs10103003, rs6678546, rs873553, rs12647647, rs1455350, rs2068012, rs17771137, rs11853991, rs2402341, rs4727618, rs146301099, rs139897186, rs1470375, rs6449674, rs40087, rs61989671, rs1462813, rs72669450, rs62427469, rs17488728, rs1148375, rs152599, rs1978102, rs4539421, rs2414073, rs6596572, rs7029475, rs72905046, rs1325920, rs923512, rs13224222, rs6477496, rs337940, rs9517310, rs1729412, rs10984445, rs28896784, rs32940, rs11943536, rs28558559, rs118134876, rs725348, rs12754946
Sociogenomics is opening a new door to eugenics (Video)
WEEKLY UPDATE: January 10, 2020