STUDY TITLE: Genome-wide association study of knee pain identifies associations with GDF5 and COL27A1 in UK Biobank
SUMMARY: Identification of 2 genetic variants associated with knee pain.
OVERVIEW: Your knee is the largest joint in the body, and it is critical for supporting your body weight as you walk, jog, stand upright, and bend down. Years of wear and tear can take a toll on your knees, causing knee pain. In fact, ~ 50% of individuals over the age of 50 experience this condition. To better understand the genetic basis of knee pain, researchers conducted a genome-wide association study that examined the genomes of over 170,000 individuals of European ancestry. The study identified 2 genetic variants associated with knee pain. Of these genetic variants, one is located near a gene previously implicated in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the wearing down of the flexible, protective tissue known as cartilage at the ends of bones. The other variant is located near a gene that is important for converting cartilage to bone.
DID YOU KNOW? The human skeleton is made up of over 200 bones! The fabella is a tiny bone located behind the knee that mostly disappeared during the evolution of humans, but is still found in some individuals. It is more commonly found in individuals who suffer from knee pain, but it is unclear if the fabella’s presence causes the condition. [SOURCE]
SAMPLE RESULTS: Learn more about the Nebula Research Library.
KNEE PAIN-ASSOCIATED VARIANTS: rs143384, rs6120946, rs2808772, rs919642
WEEKLY UPDATE: January 10, 2020