We hear you!
We started Nebula Genomics to empower people to unlock their genomes and learn about themselves. To accomplish this, we have to explain cutting edge science as simply as possible. Many of you have written to us with questions about your results and given us helpful feedback. We have been listening and taking it to heart. In this blog post, we would like to introduce a few changes to the Nebula Library that we recently made based on your feedback.
Simpler Explanations
We simplified and clarified the descriptions of studies and polygenic scores. First, all library entries now have new titles that describe the trait that was investigated in the study much more clearly (Figure 1A). Second, we improved the descriptions of polygenic scores and percentiles. It should now be easier to understand what high and low percentiles mean (B) and how they relate to polygenic scores (C). Third, to make our study descriptions easier to comprehend, we created a dictionary functionality. When you hover with your mouse over underscored terms, you will now see explanations of these terms pop up (D).
Facilitated Discovery
In addition to better explaining things, we added two new features that will help you explore your results. First, you can now add studies that you find particularly interesting to your “Favorites” by clicking on the star next to the study title (E). Second, to help you find newly added studies more easily, we now mark them as “New” (F).
New Reporting Coming Soon
While we are improving our current reporting, we are also preparing to roll out new and expanded reporting for users who have purchased our 30x Whole-Genome Sequencing. We are particularly excited about our new exploration tools. Many of you have asked us questions about testing for different genes, searching for specific variants, and reading your genomic data files. We realize that our users are interested in different things, and there is no single reporting that fits everybody. Our new data exploration tools will make our reporting much more dynamic and give you the power to find an answer to any questions that you might have about your DNA. Check out our product page to learn more about our new 30x Whole-Genome Sequencing service!