STUDY TITLE: A genome-wide association study of bitter and sweet beverage consumption
SUMMARY: Identification of 15 genetic variants correlated to the consumption of coffee.
OVERVIEW: There’s no denying that coffee helps to power our society! In fact, Americans drink nearly 400 million cups of it daily. While coffee helps us stay productive throughout the day, the opinions about its taste vary. While some need to cover the taste of coffee with milk and sugar to find it palatable, others enjoy the taste of a black cup of joe. Taste perception, such as bitterness and sweetness, and taste preference is known to be heritable. This study attempted to determine genetic factors that correlate with people’s consumption of coffee as well as other bitter and sweet drinks. After examining the genomes of nearly 370,000 individuals of European ancestry, the researchers identified 15 genetic variants associated with coffee consumption. Of these, 6 variants were newly identified in this study. One of these variants is near a gene previously found to interact with caffeine molecules. Another variant is near a gene that encodes a protein that is involved in smell perception.
DID YOU KNOW? In addition to the burst of energy it gives, coffee consumption is thought to have many health benefits if consumed in sensible amounts. Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression are among the diseases that coffee may help protect against. [SOURCE]
SAMPLE RESULTS: Learn more about the Nebula Research Library.
COFFEE CONSUMPTION-ASSOCIATED VARIANTS: rs2472297, rs4410790, rs1057868, rs73073176, rs1260326, rs34060476, rs66723169, rs12699844, rs10865548, rs2330783, rs597045, rs117692895, rs574367, rs1956218, rs4719497
Taste and smell (Video)
Taste receptors
WEEKLY UPDATE: December 12, 2019
Go here to learn more about health benefits of coffee consumption.